“Study must be our permanent companion till death. There should be an engagement from the part of all to learn new things, particularly that which pertains to the apostolate. In life we cannot act in the same fashion always, one should make progress a little every day and every day one should perfect what one knows already” (SdC, 211).

  1. Accompaniment of the Perpetually Professed during the First Five Years

Just as there has to be at least a six-month’s period of preparation immediately prior to perpetual profession (CD, 146.2), there has to be also an accompaniment lasting for a period of at least five years that helps the newly perpetually professed to pass from the community of “formation” to integration with full rights in the apostolic life, with a particular commitment for the mission of the Society of St Pauls and within a community. This period is meant to help the newly perpetually professed to deal with possible vocational identity crises, general lack of motivation, stress, dispersion, disorientation, etc. Besides it will help them to pass from a life regulated by academic commitments under the charge of a master to a life completely dedicated to the apostolate that may not always be in harmony with community life and spiritual life.  

Focus should be on strengthening and consolidating the human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral formation. That is to say, one has to take note of his relationship with confreres and staff, acquire competence in the field of his work, keep aligned the wheels of the “Pauline cart” and take seriously the Pauline pastoral commitment. 

The newly perpetually professed has the right to be assisted. The Provincial Superiors, the Director of Formation and the Local Superiors should be committed to the responsibility of accompanying them either individually to address their personal problems or in a group to address their common concerns.  They have to regularly meet each newly perpetually professed and evaluate with him his personal, religious and apostolic project. It is important that an atmosphere of confidentiality is ensured to and the same is experienced by the newly perpetually professed member. Experts can be made available to them depending on the nature and seriousness of the problems they may encounter. 

        2.Continuing Formation

The permanent and continued formation is a necessity for all the Paulines. It is essential to “elevate the cultural level” and to “create thought” by keeping oneself updated in studies and in the apostolate (cfr AGC X, 13.4). All should have a heart to respond to this personal obligation. This updating of a perpetually professed Pauline should extend to all the elements of our charismatic life:

faith, personal prayer and spiritual life.

•   specialization in formation, apostolate or administration.

•   general and religious culture.

•   apostolic consecrated life.

•   social communication.

•   relation between evangelization and social communication.

•   human qualities for community life and for the mission.

•   knowledge of civil and Church history.

•   community and apostolic projects.

•   accepting and adapting to cultural differences.

Growth and development are ongoing processes in the human person who wants to become more perfect. Our commitment to be active citizens in the kingdom of God reinforces this law of growth. Besides, the rapid progress in society calls for continuous adaptation and renewal in our personal and apostolic life and mission. All members within ten years of perpetual profession should have specialization either in the area formation or in the apostolate or in the administration. Ongoing formation requires personal interest and initiative besides the capacity for research, study and assimilation.

The initial formation of our candidates and juniors is influenced and affected by the ongoing formation of seniors (cfr RF, 138ff).

  1. Goals:  
  • Updating and renewal of oneself at all levels — human, spiritual, apostolic, pastoral, communitarian and cultural (cfr PC XVI, p. 58).
  • Dynamic and real response to one's personal charism and to the Charism of the Congregation.
  • Dynamic fidelity to the Charism of the Congregation to meet the needs of the times and of the Church (cfr RF, 239.1).
  • Total dedication to our mission.
  • Participation in the mission through physical suffering and sickness.
  • Graceful collaboration in collective work even during old age.
  • To be good examples of prayer life and personal contentment to those in formation.

      2. Programme:

  1. Encourage the habit of personal reading, study, reflection, etc.
  2. Refresher courses on interpersonal relationships, spirituality and religious life.
  3. Course on leadership and community living.
  4. Renewal course on Pauline Charism and Spirituality.
  5. Visit to significant places in the history of the Congregation.
  6. Course and retreat for different age groups.
  7. Higher studies.
  8. Sabbatical year.
  9. Periodic evaluation of the ongoing formation.
  10. Annual Retreat.



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