Magazines - PRABHU KA DIN
“Prabhu Ka Din”, established at Allahabad in 1976, is the Hindi equivalent of The Sunday Liturgy. It was started and edited by Fr. Leo Vechoor. Currently it has a subscription of 4000 copies.
Provincial's Message
Our Applications

God's Word

New Community Bible

Daily Liturgy Ireland & UK

Dear Brothers,
Greetings from the Provincial House, Mumbai.
This year, as Christmas coincides with the opening of the Jubilee year 2025, we have many reasons to thank God and make our celebrations meaningful. As the Holy Father, Pope Francis, opens the Holy Door at St Peter’s Basilica on Christmas eve, ushering in the Jubilee Year, all of us are invited to open our hearts to Jesus the Saviour as “Pilgrims of Hope” and radiate ‘hope’ in our life and mission. Since April 2024, as a Province, we have been celebrating the “Year of Prayer”, particularly praying for different communities of our Province during the celebration of the first-week devotions. I recommend that we continue this ‘communitarian spiritual support’ at Mass and the Visit during the first seven days of every month until the end of 2025. Let us live as individuals and communities the famous exhortation of our Founder, Blessed James Alberione, on prayer: “Eyes in heaven, knees on earth, and the heart on fire.” Such a disposition will make our apostolate more fruitful and will help us to cultivate fraternity and collaborative spirit in our communities.
Wishing all my confreres the grace, peace and hope of Christmas 2024!
Fr Joby Mathew, SSP
Provincial Superior