Sajith Cyriac, What Matters Most in Life (New) Stan Toler, Minute Motivators for Teachers (5th reprint) Stan Toler, Minute Motivators for Teens (5th reprint) Mike D, The Healing Rosary (6th reprint) Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali (8th reprint) Shammi Sikh, Born to Rise (4th reprint) J Maurus, More Wisdom Stories (10th reprint) George Kaitholil, Make Optimism Your Target (6th reprint) George Kaitholil, Make Freedom Your Target (8th reprint) George Kaitholil, Make Peace Your Target (6th reprint) Linda Schubert, Miracle Hour Lucienne Pickering, Girls Talk (11th reprint) Trever Zenon D’Souza, Just for You with Love (3rd reprint) S. Devaraj, Let Your Life Shine (2nd reprint Charlene Altemose, What You Should Know about the Saints (5th reprint) Charlene Altemose, What You Should Know about the Mass (6th reprint) J Maurus, The Power of Pleasant Feelings (2nd reprint) Emeric Lawrence, Daily Meditations for Lent (3rd reprint) Emeric Lawrence, Daily Meditations for Easter Season (3rd reprint) J Maurus, Living Moments of Sunshine (6th reprint) J Maurus, Living Moments of Self-Healing (7th reprint) J Maurus, Living Moments of Silence (8th reprint) S. Devaraj, Alertness Now, Happiness Ever (2nd reprint) Samuel Smiles, Character: Helps to Personality Growth (4th reprint)