
30 May  2024, will always remain as a highly memorable day in the history of the Vijayawada community, as two important events were celebrated on the same day. During the Holy Mass at 6.30 am, presided over by Fr Joby Mathew, our Provincial, 6 of our Postulants, namely, Mandeep Ekka, Pradeep Bara, Santosh Kumar, Sumit Lakra, Savio Panmei and Wedneson entered the year of Novitiate.

The new Novices were entrusted into the hands of Fr Philip John, the newly appointed Novice Master. Fr Joby Mathew, in his inspiring homily, instructed the Novices to understand the great importance of the year of Novitiate and to imbibe an earnest desire, necessary discipline and strong determination, to understand and assimilate the deeper implications of Pauline religious life.

In the evening at 7.30 pm, just after completing the Eucharistic visit, five of our aspirants, namely, Westarwel Bamon, Prabhat Kujur, Nikit Burh, Pradeep Ekka and Silbester Dungdung entered the year of Postulancy during a simple yet meaningful liturgical celebration led by Fr Joby Mathew and assisted by Fr Prithviraj and Fr Varghese Gnalian. Fr Joby, in his brief talk, instructed the Postulants to understand the importance of the year of Postulancy and spend  it well to prepare themselves for the Novitiate. The Postulants were entrusted into the hands of Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Master of Postulants.

The day concluded with a sumptuous dinner with some special dishes.


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