It is a rare privilege to have the presence of the Superior General, a General Councillor, the Provincial Superior and members from different communities of our province at one’s perpetual profession. Bros Damiyan Borgoary and Francis Aind enjoyed this special favour on Saturday 21 January 2022 as they made their perpetual commitment at Carmel Haven, Pune on the last day of the XIX Provincial Chapter. Many priests and religious from the Jnana Deepa campus (where we have our community) participated in the Holy Eucharist and the short felicitation function thereafter..
Fr Johnson Vattakunnel, General Councillor for Formation, presided over the Eucharist flanked by Rev Fr Domenico Soliman, Superior General and Fr Joby Mathew, Provincial Superior. In his homily Fr Vattakunnel quoting Pope Francis reminded the candidates for perpetual profession that they need to “Be joyful, brave, and be of communion”. He challenged them to be serious about his or her relationship with God and behave well in the community. In our world of “what is there for me” some people think it is foolishness or madness to embrace a vocation that neither promises power, wealth, or material enjoyment.
He also reminded the candidates that the vows of poverty, obedience, and chastity do not make sense unless they appreciate their transcendental value in them. Religious life does not make sense unless God is the first point of reference in who you are and what you do. Religious are at their best not necessarily when they are numerous and powerful in their institutional strength, rather, it is the radical witness of their vowed lives. They are to inspire and to keep the fire of the Gospel burning brightly.
Rev Fr Domenico Soliman received their final commitment and invited them to participate fully in Pauline life and mission.
The Mass was followed by a short felicitation programme and a festive lunch.
Congratulations and God’s blessings dear Brothers!