
It is the time to let our consecrated life speak louder than our words, our brother Prabhat Kujur, after having completed his formation period, professed his ‘perpetual ‘YES’ to the Lord on October 24, 2021 in our community chapel at Pune. It was a joyful moment for the community, Province and the Congregation, to have him as a full-fledged member. We accompany Br Prabhat with our prayers.
During the Eucharistic Celebration, our Provincial Superior Fr Varghese Gnalian highlighted the following very simple but important points regarding the state of consecrated religious life:
•    What we are is more important than what we do.
•    To be a religious, it is necessary to live a life of prayer.
•    We Paulines must learn from our patron Saint Paul, to whom Christ was everything. Paul was able to say, ‘imitate me because I imitate Christ’.
•    A religious must have the attitude of the ‘Yes Woman’ (our Blessed Mother Mary) and be obedient totally to Christ the Master. Total obedience is total surrender. 
•    We must be inspired by our beloved founder Bl. James Alberione. He was a fragile man, but the Lord blessed him and his works became marvelous. He is rightly called “the marvel of our times”. 
More than 45 religious men and women participated in the function. During the felicitation programme, Sr Filda Varghese, CCR, Provincial Superior of the Pune Province of the CCR Congregation (Holy Angels Sisters),released ‘ISH VACHAN 2022’ (Hindi Bible Diary), Edited by Fr Joseph Tirkey, Director of our Hindi Publications.


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