
In accordance with the Operative Guideline of the XVII Provincial Chapter of the our Province, the first edition of our province level retreat and renewal programme was organized for the group of 18 participants at Atmadarshan, Centre for Spirituality and Counseling, Andheri, Mumbai, from 10 to 17 September 2019. Rev Fr Itttoop Panikulam SVD guided the programme.
A person of vast experience in counselling, guiding and animating groups and individuals in India and abroad, Fr Ittoop guided us to understand and become aware of our present situation and grow from it with some concrete and practical plans and programmes. The director called the seven-day programme as PR4PR (Personal Renewal for Province Revival). The days were filled with inputs and sharing as well as personal meeting with the director, reflection, prayer and rest. Although some would not term it as a ‘retreat’ in the traditional sense, the programme by all means helped us to make an all-round examination of our life and mission in communities, and grow at individual level, but aimed at the larger levels of community, province and congregation as a whole.
The cool weather with intermittent showers as well as the verdant and vast expanse of the Gyanashram hill provided us with the perfect setting for the programme. The healthy and tasty food as well as the excellent hospitality provided by the Atmadarshan team helped us feel at home.


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