“Even the smallest act of discipleship or the tiniest ember of belief can become a blazing bonfire of a consecrated life.” It was a joyful moment as the community of Pune witnessed the conferring of the Ministry of Acolyte on our brothers Amit Toppo and Gonmei Berno Hendry on 13th November 2022. Fr Varghese Gnalian, the Provincial Superior, presided over the Eucharistic celebration, along with Fr Joby Mathew, the Provincial Designate and others, in the community chapel of Pune at 11:30 am, during which our brothers were conferred the Ministry of Acolytes.
After the solemn Eucharistic celebration, Fr Sunil Varghese, the Superior of the community congratulated our brothers for ascending closer to the Holy Altar of the Lord. He expressed his sincere appreciation and gratitude to Fr Varghese Gnalian for his constant support and care towards the members of the community of Pune, particularly, to the Formation groups. He also officially welcomed Fr Joby Mathew the Provincial designate with a sapling and promised him our prayerful support to carry out the mission of animation entrusted to him.